Letters From Maryam 💝
Voice Notes from Maryam 💝
Listen to this if you're feeling overwhelmed

Listen to this if you're feeling overwhelmed

A voice note just for you ❤️

We have a lot of tabs open in our brains all the time.

I’m sure we all agree that our brains were not built to take so much pressure, so much workload, so much stress, so much stuff(!)… and to keep all those tabs open in our brains at the same time!

This voice note is my invitation to you.

Don’t forget to make du’a for the things on your brain-dump list, your today-list, and your right-now list :)

Remember, you’re allowed to rest and recharge when you need to.

May Allah ease your affairs, beautiful.

With lots of love and a truckload of du’a

Letters From Maryam 💝
Voice Notes from Maryam 💝
Purpose. Positivity. Productivity.