Letters From Maryam 💝
Voice Notes from Maryam 💝
You can trust Him, and it can still feel heavy.

You can trust Him, and it can still feel heavy.

Keep holding on.

Assalamu alaykum dear friends! Today’s Letter isn’t actually a letter 🙂 it’s a perfectly imperfect heart-to-heart Voice Note from Maryam!

It took multiple attempts to record it… multiple attempts to edit it… and multiple attempts to convince myself to publish it anyway… but Alhamdulillah, we did it!

I’m looking forward to reading your thoughts on it in my inbox or the comments inshaAllah.

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Please remember me and my family in du’a 🌸

Love + Du’a,

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Letters From Maryam 💝
Voice Notes from Maryam 💝
Purpose. Positivity. Productivity.