Nov 22, 2022Liked by Maryam | Sisters Flourish

Glad you’re keeping at it masha Allah! Le peuple est content 😊 lol and thanks a lot for breaking down the process as it is very helpful! Can’t wait to start insha Allah... a few more weeks to build that confidence πŸ€—

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"Le peuple est content" made me smile so wideeee! InshaAllah :) can't wait to get started too!

Allah ya sa mana albarka (I'm teaching you Hausa now :D:D:D): May Allah put barakah in it for us ❀️

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Nov 23, 2022Liked by Maryam | Sisters Flourish

Hahaha ameen ya Rabb (and you know Hausa is on my list of languages I want to learn so nagode for today’s lesson πŸ€—)

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Aw I love it! What other languages are on your list?

I started German years and years ago and would like to get back into it.

I'm still working on Arabic alhamdulillah.

And I'm planning to learn French with my 7yr old inshaAllah :)

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by Maryam | Sisters Flourish

May Allah make it easy for both of you and let me know if you have any questions about French (it’s my other first language lol).

My list is so long lol but I have decided lately to be more intentional and to prioritize Arabic and some widely spoken African languages (Hausa, Puular/Fulfulde, Swahili).

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Ameen, jazakillah khair! InshaAllah will do :)

Oooo Fulfulde! I'm stealing that from you and adding it to my list hehe. Just did a quick search and I see that Fulfulde is so widely spoken!

May Allah make it easy for us :) ameen

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Nov 25, 2022Liked by Maryam | Sisters Flourish

Ameen ya Rabb :)

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I would like to join the challenge! Ma Sha Allah goal setting this way looks like it will finally work ya rab πŸ™ keep up the great work πŸ’•

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I'd LOVE (!!!) to have you in the challenge ❀️ I've added your name to the list and will get in touch soon inshaAllah!

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Assalam aalaykum warahmatullah wa barakatuh

Thank you for the episode. I will like to join the challenge.

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Wa alaykum assalam wa rahmatullah Hafsa :) jazakillah khair for letting me know. You've been added to the list! Can you please send me an email or DM (sistersflourish@gmail.com or @sisters_flourish), so I can reach out to you inshaAllah before we start.

Jazakillah khair.


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