Masha Allah Maryam this was so beautiful! I had to listen to it twice and need to go now sit down to take it all in... so many gems masha Allah! May Allah continue to bless you, bless your marriage and answer all your du’as! May He always inspire you to call on Him! And more podcasts please! Le peuple le réclame (the people want it lol). Your voice is so soothing masha Allah! JazakaAllah khayr!

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Jazakillah khair Awa, for being here. Your words mean so much more than you know, Awa.

When I sat to record this subhanAllah I never expected or imagined anyone would listen to it or benefit from it. It sat in my 'drafts' for a month before I published it. So thank you, thank you, thank you for you kind words.

"Le peuple le réclame" - got it! Noted, inshaAllah 😁

InshaAllah more episodes on the way, may Allah accept it and make it full of barakah for us - you and me - ameen ❤️

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Maryam | Sisters Flourish

Ameen ya Rabb! Can't wait! Thanks Maryam 😊

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